CAD connector for Zuken E³.series

CCS has developed a CAD connector for Zuken E³.series
It is implemented as a module of the standard software E³ Solution builder that is a plug-in to E³.
The connector is seamless integrated with the standard workflow and actions in Solution builder.
The connector manages the E³ standard objects:
- Project
- Alias
- Component
And the Solution builder objects (the Solution builder objects are closer described in the Solution builder section below):
- Document
- Document section
- Node
To work with Alias for variant design is optional as well as representing Document sections as individuals in Aras.
Further on everything described for Projects is valid for Alias even if not directly excluded.
Several documents can be managed within an E³ project with individual workflow for each of them.
Standard actions for a document are:
- Check in
- Check out
- Save
- Associate
- DisAssociate
- Show
All of the actions are possibly to configure. For example to decide if reports should be generated or if files should be uploaded.
Beside the standard actions a document can also be moved in an E³ internal workflow.
This can be used to “Check in for review”. That tells Aras that this document is ready to be reviewed within an ECO. Alternatively, it can be implemented to release and revise documents directly from E³ without using an ECO.
Typical files that is managed for documents are:
- Excel
Excel, CSV and TXT are results of reports if not reported to E³ sheets. The PDF file is a viewable file of the drawing sheets.
There exist no native file on the document level.
When creating a new document a relation in Aras will be made between the CAD Document representing the document and the CAD Document representing the project.
When working with Alias there is possible to select in which Alias the document should exist.
For projects the standard actions are:
- Check in
- Check out
- Save
- Associate
- Show
All of the actions are possibly to configure. For example to decide if project files should be generated or if files should be uploaded.
Typical files that is managed for projects are:
- E3S
- E3V
- E3P
The connector manages creating new components and updating data from the Aras standard part to the related E³ component.
Creating a new component is using the Solution builder module Component request.
There are two actions related to the connector:
- Create
- Sync
The Create action asks Aras for an article number and then starts the database editor inside E³.series, editing a new component with this article number.
As soon as this component is saved to the E³ database the action Sync can be performed. This activates the data update from Aras to E³ for this component.
In normal cases E³ manage three device structures:
- Function or Higher level assignment
- Location
- Product or Device designation
One of these should be seen as the part structure in Aras.
Using the Node manager module of Solution builder relations can be made between a structure node in E³ and a part in Aras. From this tool documents can be related to the Aras part as well as a BOM can be generated.
Solution builder is a Plug-in to E³.series to basically manage projects, documents and reports. The base product consist of three modules
- Manage project properties including status and revisions
- Manage project workflow
- Tools to create new projects based on existing projects either as a straight copy or as a new project with copied content but with reset properties and history for the project as well as for all documents
- Manage documents as a structure of E³ sheets and files
- Manage document properties including status and revisions
- Manage document workflow
- Supply standard reports in four classes:
- Device reports
- Connection reports
- Documents, list of content
- Documents, list of documents
- Reports to E³ sheets or Excel
- User interface to configure reports
Connection manager | Generates physical connections from a plain circuit diagram by configurable rules. Numbering connections according tostandard rules. |
Cable manager | Managing connections and ferrules with mass editing tools |
Component request | Advanced role based tool for component and symbol requests with workflow for reviewing and releasing including verifying tools |
Node manager | Tool to objectifying structure nodes with possibility to give them properties. Easy to switch between different structures |
Project configurator | Attach an external configurator to the E³ option and variant concept |
Read more about SOLUTION BUILDER by CCS
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